To your pepper gas, To your batons, your sticks, To the best of your kicks, We accept it graciously. We accept it graciously! Attack me; without feeling shame or distress. My eyes burn, but I didn't get crashed, I didn't decline. I told you "I am still free!" I told you "I am still right!" I told "I am still human" Am I going to give up? You tell me! To your pepper gas, To your batons, your sticks, To the best of your kicks, We accept it graciously. We accept it graciously. It's slap to our face, It's grudge to our tongue, Cheers everyone! We accept it graciously. We accept it graciously! Raise your hand, Without holding back, without fear. The open spaces are ours, don't forget, This country is ours. We told you "We are still free!" We told you "We are still right!" We told you "We are still human!" Are we going to give up? You tell us! To your pepper gas, To your batons, your sticks, To the best of your kicks, We accept it graciously. We accept it graciously. It's slap to our face, It's grudge to our tongue, Cheers everyone! We accept it graciously. We accept it graciously! We accept it graciously. WE ACCEPT IT GRACIOUSLY!

Теги других блогов: song protest graceful acceptance